"Please tread on everybody except for me"
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The people that fly this kind of flag will have trouble understanding what this means
Can we make it a bumper sticker and stealthily replace the real one with this? It's probably subtle enough they won't notice for a while.
Stop associating this flag with the racists and magas. It's a cool flag and they were never supposed to have it.
What's this from? I see an ancap flag
The Gadsden flag.
"The rattlesnake was a symbol of the unity of the Thirteen Colonies at the start of the Revolutionary War, and it had a long history as a political symbol in America. Benjamin Franklin used it for his Join, or Die woodcut in 1754.[5][9] Gadsden intended his flag to serve as a physical symbol of the American Revolution's ideals.[5]
The flag has been described as the "most popular symbol of the American Revolution".[5] Its design proclaims an assertive warning of vigilance and willingness to act in defense against coercion.[10] This has led it to be associated with the ideas of individualism and liberty."