Centaurs are creepy and unnerving, but when actually playing the game, a sprinting Deathclaw is what gets the heart going.
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God don't fucking remind me of that, fallout nv's deathclaws are the worst
fuck the quarry fuck the quarry fuck the quarry
Watching a video, they don't seem threatening, but when you're actually playing, fuckers are out there at a 30 mph sprint, and there sure as shit ain't 30 miles between you and them.
Fallout 3 Feral Ghouls. The DC Metro used to scare the shit out of me as a kid, those guys were hiding everywhere.
Ghouls aren't even that scary to me, but resources in fo3 are so scarce you feel like it's a life or death situation with multiple of them sometimes.
Yeah, the actual Ghouls themselves aren't too scary, but Bethesda definitely wanted to make the Metro a mini horror game.
The reavers when first meeting them in presidential metro. When not using unofficial patch they are scary due to how they move.
It's not so much an NPC, but the lore behind them: the Keller Tapes from F3. It leaves a lot to the imagination of how horrifying running from an atomic bomb would be.
Edit: it's F3 not F4
Hearing the fear in candace's voice, and the monotonousness of ralph is pretty chilling. Alex was a champ, though
Creature? Mirelurks in the dark, those things are sneaky little shelly bois and have spooked me on more than one occasion.
NPC? Cook-Cook. The absolute worst of humanity and satisfying as fuck to destroy.
Mirelurks are at their worst in the swamp dlc shudder
Cook-Cook is horrible, but myron takes the cake for me. Fuckin' hell even killing him in game gives +5 karma lmfao, that's how bad he is
Spore Carriers from New Vegas. The fact that they camouflaged so you couldn't see where they were was terrifying.
Easy answer, nightkin. Specifically in the fly me to the moon quest where you have to clear the basement of them
I have a love hate relationship with that quest. ED-E and veronica make it much easier to deal with
The giant hermit crabs. I was walking down the road in F76, and happened to pass one that was hiding in its "shell" without even noticing it was there. That was the first time I had seen one, and I about shit myself.
Honorable mention to the giant crabs from 4/76. First time I came across one I was doing one of those animal defense missions in 76.
"...is that a bus bobbing in the distance?"
notice a giant angry crab come into view from behind the forest
Oh lordy, first time I met one in far harbour I was terrified. I was like how did it fit inside and how could it mutate that big.