Uber I guess?
The Cool Side of the Pillow
A place for my thoughts. Maybe yours. Maybe we can talk. It's up to you and whether or not you post here.
Just don't be a jerk.
Florida pays for killing snakes, several states have culling laws. Killing It (2022) a hidden gem about it https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14129378/
Shelf stacker, call centre agent.
Necessary jobs much like killing rats and wolves.
Become an exterminator or a wolf hunter?
Dice onions.
That's the real world quest that makes you cry. But then, most real world quests do that... 🤔
One can never have too many diced onions, they're in freaking everything.
Collect edible mushrooms in the woods
I did know a dude who said that he picks psychedelic mushrooms in public parks all around the city and makes like $10k a year or something. Don't know how true, but I do know if you know what to look for, you can find psychedelic mushrooms all around your city in small patches of grass.