Imagine the energy it takes to hold all this grudge all this time to do such a thing. What would have happend if she used it for something positive?
Memes that are too meirl for /c/meirl.
Respect the community. If you're not into self-deprecating/dark/suicidal humor then this place isn't for you. Kindly just block and move on. This is just how some of us cope.
Respect one another.
All titles must begin with 2meirl4meirl. This is for multiple reasons. One is just so you can be lazy with titles but another is so people who aren't into this kind of humor can avoid it.
Otherwise just the general no bigotry, no dickishness, no spam, no malice, etc stuff.
Sidebar will be updated when I feel like and considering I'm Sadboi extraordinaire we'll see when that will be.
This is positive
Yeah! If everyone did this we would have better workers' rights.
Hehe, I'm submitting job applications to my previous employer using current employee names. Their resumes detail all the stuff they broke while I was there.