Don’t call people eggs
except if they identify as unhatched birds
edit: or reptiles, or fish? do fish lay eggs?
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Moderator Guidelines
Don’t call people eggs
except if they identify as unhatched birds
edit: or reptiles, or fish? do fish lay eggs?
I would say it can be funny if (and probably only if) it's about a fictional character or historical person
This discourse pains me.
Oftentimes the pushback against it implies that being transfem is such a terrible fate that implying someone might be happier following such a course of action apparently makes you ~~a degenerate groomer~~ somehow just as bad as the transphobes who want all such people to either detransition or die.
There's just such a strange buried seething resentment to it all, but then again this isn't even a discussion about people having nuanced one-on-one conversations about gender, it's a confused imaginary scenario where someone is attempting social forcefem irl via brute force.