I'm pretty far removed from the skate scene myself so I'm not sure if this is cool or not, but I really like Kasso.
I saw a couple episodes recently, and it's insane!
I wonder where that's going to fit in with the American skateboard community.
The Rodney vs Daewon series all always my go-to.
Round 2 was what was up when I last had my finger on the pulse of the skate scene. It looks like Round 3 dropped shortly after, and I missed it.
I can't believe that fell through the cracks. I'm watching it now
Good call! I haven't watched them in what feels like ages. I remember round 3 being the best since Rodney found a better balance of freestyle and street skating
Old school! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gfJ8obZ1o0
Old school is new to me! I started skating in the mid '90s, and never heard the name Natas until I heard Andy Anderson mention him. I'm not sure if Andy was even born when I started skating
David Gravette's "shitty skatepark" series by Bronson's Bearings is another one I've been watching.
Along with NKA Vids Skateboarding , and, of course, Dan Corrigan's channel too
Nine Club is a bit of a controversial one atm - Roger Bagley came out as a Trumper in a recent Jenkem interview, and is quite happy to support problematic industry persons as long as they skate good. Also possibly brigaded his own comment section lol.
Gifted Hater hasn't been mentioned so I guess check him out.
As for actual parts that get you psyched to skate : Eetu's one from a couple days ago is pretty ninja. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=985KFs90BLY
I appreciate the heads up about Roger. I just read the interview, but I didn't catch anything about him being a Trumper. His stance on platforming anyone, no matter how controversial, is pretty gross by itself though.
That part of the interview definitely had a Trumper vibe for sure. It had a similar ring to it as the out-of-touch comedians that complain about "cancel culture".
I've seen the Gifted Hater on Ben Degros's channel, and I wonder if that is who Roger was complaining about in the interview.
That Eetu part was sick, by the way!
You know what I'm probably thinking of the slap thread where they just rip through his socials - apparently liked a lot of Charlie Kirk type grifty shit. https://www.slapmagazine.com/index.php?topic=132216.120
Roger is definitely complaining about Gifted Hater. 'Cancel Culture' refers (I think) the Chris Cole debacle (beat up his wife and neglected his kids pretty badly over the years) and that just kind of got swept under the rug by JT and a bunch of other industry stone heads. GH made a video about that plus other shitbags like Tim Poole.
Glad you liked it!
Thinking about parts of note from the last couple years. This T-Funk is probably the one that sticks in my head. Just a fucking beast. Worth watching the whole vid but it is very Bakery ;) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uyfck1p430
Louis Lopez dropped loads of great parts while making a run for SOTY- His Cons one- https://youtu.be/2m8gvIzgfik?t=439
Evan Smith is also pretty banging - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tUr2NZfRq4
Supreme's Cherry just bc if you haven't seen it, it seems to have been one of those seminal vids of the teenies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zIVTDbve7k (not a supreme product fan but the vid is great)