I wonder if someone could figure out a way to write an app that would generate an iso that would “tattoo” a dvd based on what you’ve done here. Like ascii art, kind of
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I wonder if someone could figure out a way to write an app that would generate an iso that would “tattoo” a dvd based on what you’ve done here. Like ascii art, kind of
If only I still had any optical drive and blank optical media
Yamaha did it natively and called it Yamaha Disc T@2, it was pretty cool. Needed their CRW-F1 drive and a CR-R disc with a dark color bottom (the blue azo discs worked best). I still have a stack of those discs somewhere.
For anyone curious, LGR did a video on these! Might give a bit of an extra visual to the end product.
I still have an optical drive in one of my desktops and a ton of blank CDs/DVDs collecting dust on my shelf. Maybe I should do this. But then I’m not sure what I would do with the final product. It would just continue to collect dust on my shelf. :(
There was lightscribe. It wasn't on the data side, it burned a special label side
Isn't that what LightScribe is? Turn the disc upside down, laser burns images onto the label.
NGL I dig the aesthetic of it
Now you can do think/thick and write morse code!
You could even encode information that way to store it on the... wait
Damn nice! Next step: vertical stripes.
After that images or text.
That's really cool :D
Put it on a turntable.