That log had a child!
YouTube Classics
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Honestly I preferred the "Russian Unicorn" BLR era, where the lyrics were just from a (actually) bad lip reading of unaltered music videos. I mean a fair amount of their later stuff was still hilarious, but they seemed to rely on a lot of reversed video footage which wasn't quite as funny.
They also haven't posted anything in a year, which is a shame.
Seriously, the inauguration was a gold mine. I hope they put something out. They'll probably just do another half assed BLR of the Superbowl, though.
They're back! And they listened to you, apparently:
Not their best. I was surprised when i thought they were gonna do the Nazi salute, but they backed off.
Yeah, likewise. Felt like a missed opportunity.
Sample of my pasta is one of my favorites.
Listen, boy:
Someday when you are older,
You could get hit by a boulder.
While you're lying there, screaming, "Come help me please!"
The seagulls, poke your knees.
"that log had a child" is very important
I was on a crew that did the installation of Star Wars Land (i refuse to call it galaxies edge) at Disney in Anaheim. I wrote the entirety of these lyrics on the backside of the floor panels in the "hallways" of the Millennium Falcon.
Some of the googly eyes i stick around are still there. And there's a penis painted on the wall of the exit lane that no one ever notices because the foot traffic is one-way.
Pics or it didn't happen