
joined 1 year ago
[–] Sludgehammer 2 points 12 hours ago

It's Kryptonite. We know what happened to Superman in this dimension now.

[–] Sludgehammer 6 points 1 day ago

Reddit has a warning for AI companies and other scrapers: ~~play by our rules~~ pay us for the content our users generated or get blocked


[–] Sludgehammer 11 points 1 day ago

It's so nice to see a developer doing this rather then going the "Here's a updated version of the game! Also we're removing access the originals so it's the only version available now." route.

[–] Sludgehammer 25 points 4 days ago (2 children)

The terrible thing about these isn't the fake orange juice combined with rot gut vodka, it's that (at least in my area) they want twelve freaking dollars for this shit. That's three bucks a can!

You could literally buy an entire jug of not-orange juice as well as a 750 ml bottle of vodka for less.

[–] Sludgehammer 29 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (3 children)

Sephiroth. His look is basically the most generic bishy anime character you can make, his entire backstory can be boiled down to "mommy issues" and his motivations are the standard villain "destroy world/become god". He's just so bland.

[–] Sludgehammer 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

High altitude northern California. It's snow and ice during the winter, high and dry desert during the summer and alternates during the spring and fall. This May it went from 80 degree weather to freezing at night in the space of two days and then back again in the same span. Also, my yard is subsoil fill, I've been gardening for years and my garden bed soil is only just getting to marginal.

[–] Sludgehammer 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

There's been research that language shapes how we perceive the world around us. Because there was no word for "blue" there was no concept of blue, the color still existed but their brains just lumped it into "green". Sight works by the visual centers brain taking data from the eyes, throwing most of it out, then building a model which is what the rest of the brain gets to actually "see". That's why optical illusions work.

A commonly cited source for language shaping our perception of color is Jules Davidoff's studies on the Himba tribe. The Himba have no word for blue, and they struggled to pick out the blue square from this color wheel. However, they do have many distinctions for shades of green so when given this color wheel they could easily pick out the square that's a different shade of green (and yes I opened it in MSpaint to check and one of the green squares is a different shade.)

[–] Sludgehammer 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Bunch of uneducated goons.

Oh, they know they're lying, they just want to lie so much they bury the truth re-write the past (which is kinda ironic if you think about it, given that whole eight commandment). It's kinda the same way the "Lost Cause of the Confederacy" is embedded into American mythology despite being a after-the-fact whitewashing of history.

[–] Sludgehammer 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yeah... but Trump has pretty effectively run it's respectability into the ground.

[–] Sludgehammer 6 points 1 week ago

I view "reporting on the obvious" as being in the same vein as "a scientific report proving the obvious." Sure we all know it's true, but now there's actually documentation you can point too.

[–] Sludgehammer 5 points 1 week ago

"McDonalds discovers that text-to-speech hooked to a LLM is not magic like they were promised."

I mean that's what I'm assuming they were using. The term "AI" has become so trivialized it's hard to tell from the article what their "AI" solution actually was.

[–] Sludgehammer 18 points 1 week ago

Ha, you think they'll be that generous? They'll probably charge her for 43 years of room and board.


Since there is no thread about this on Lemmy, I figured I may as well make one in case someone hadn't heard about it.

Anyway, a new app called Netpass has been released that allows Streetpass over the internet. The app is still kinda rough, a few games like Tomodachi Life have a minor bugs, but for the most part it works almost exactly like if you conventionally streetpassed someone.


So I was browsing looking at the various games on sale when I noticed there were a bunch of games (usually from the publisher Hede, but there's quite a few others) listed as having a discount in the high nineties, yet still costing in the neighborhood of 30-50 dollars. Even odder when I go to the game's Steam, it's not listed as being on sale and costs the... "normal" price of $99.99.

I'm just wondering A) What the scam is here, B) How a is getting $99.99 dollar game as costing 30-ish dollars when it's 97% off but at the same time it's apparently not actually on sale?

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