I find it amusing that evolved Kaede was born with clothes.
I don't get how the guild planned to promote Takumi's party just by having them do some low level quests.
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I find it amusing that evolved Kaede was born with clothes.
I don't get how the guild planned to promote Takumi's party just by having them do some low level quests.
I don't get how the guild planned to promote Takumi's party just by having them do some low level quests
Sounds like the guild wanted to promote his party all along, but they needed an excuse to do so. Maybe for paperwork reasons?
A little disappointed with this episode. MC was pretty normal up until now, and then this episode had a full-blown episode of pantsu psychosis.
I did enjoy the scene where they peer out from the bushes at about eight goblins standing around and elf girl responds "looks like about four or five hundred of them." A lot of meme potential in that one.
I'm still on board, but I love trash isekai.