Explanation: Margaret Thatcher was the first female Prime Minister of the UK, who exercised considerable control over her cabinet and party. She was also a conservative dickweed who supported Loyalist paramilitaries during the Troubles.
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But at least she was a pioneer in open-air gender neutral toilets, that's got to count for something
I thought it was the seperatists that had paramilitaries? I don't know, I just remember seeing a poorly-painted mural some years back online
Both sides had paramilitaries, unfortunately.
Well that's not very nice of either of them, I wish they could have sat down and talked it out like adults
She's frowning up on us now.
A girlwarcriminal on the girlboss scale.
Well I don’t know about thaaat
Dear god wait until you hear how many "Irish" people from the US were happy to fund terrorism to kill British kids lol
Dear god wait until you hear it’s the next line she replies with
I guess I don't know what girlboss power is because, yeah, that sounds like something I would call that, assuming it was done by a girl. Not sure Margret Thatcher was a girl, tho. By all accounts, they sound more like that black ooze thing that killed Tasha Yar.
Eric Andre used to be awesome.
and now he's a legend