China is the left?
Political Compass Memes
A place to share your PCMs that you’ve gathered or made over the years! Now with 99% less bigotry! (We still hate Pomeranians on principle)
Here we enjoy jokes related to the Political Compass, a pointless astrological horoscope for political junkies. Libleft best!
Auths no auth - if it's suspected that you're not joking about suspending democracy or whatever radical auth thing is being discussed, you'll catch a ban.
No atrocity denial or apologia - just no.
Follow all rules
Authleft, which is roughly... Still kinda wrong. They seem more authright leaning to me with all the aggressive expansionism, genocidal tendencies, trying to control reproduction/sexual identity and anti-free speech shit
Nintendo banned trans flag?
I think it was a controversy with the Wiiverse a number of years back or something along those lines where they judged the trans flag to be 'T' instead of the 'E' they were looking to enforce. Something stupid and corporate like that.