Obviously humans are humans. There was misinformation and hatred long before the internet. But the last 10 years have brought it to a hyper focused point.
Stuff and Such
Even disregarding content, the machinery itself of the Internet has been degraded over the past ~15 years. It's increasingly anti-human.
Defenders of W3C will argue that Web3 is more efficient. Efficient at what? Cataloging user data for training deepmind data loggers?
Fuck off with that noise. The SemantiC Web Protocol was a mistake. The second we started building an Internet for algorithmic logging and not human-human communications, we lost it.
It's not a bad article but I don't think the quote you chose as the post title really reflects it as a whole.
I agree that Internet users aren't INHERENTLY less friendly (there's more unfriendly people but it's the same ratio), though social media has changed the way many people express themselves - and I would say it's for the worse.
The Internet has been shit from the start and the Internet has been beautiful from the start. The problem is that the shit is pushing the beauty out in "public" spaces.
Beauty used to have its roots all over the Internet. But now beauty is nomadic and ephemeral.
The time before sarcasm was not www. it was command line internet. There were trolls in the early 90's internet but it was mostly academics and government employees and was overall pretty cordial and more importantly lacked advertisement. Man going back to look at the alt groups years later and it was like. wow. its all bs now. it was legitimately nice in the early 90's
I do feel like the average IQ has dropped due to broader access. I don’t think broader access is bad, but coupled with gullible people and shitty echo chambers, the internet seems worse now.
lIkE aLl NoStAlGiC eScApIsM, tHe MyTh AbOuT a WoRlD wIdE wEb BeFoRe ThE aGe Of SaRcAsM (aNd ThE dOmInAnCe Of BiG cOmPaNiEs) WhErE eVeRyThInG wAs MoRe SiNcErE aNd SiMpLeR iS a MeLaNcHoLiC tRaP.