I mean it is but so far we can barely manage to lead ourselves.
Don't get a 50 series card. If you must upgrade I'd go for a second hand 40xx. But honestly with a 3080 you're perfectly fine for now if you're not married to ultra 4k 144hz.
I'm on a 3070 and it does fine for most games. That said I don't play a lot of AAA titles but the ones I do play fine at medium or high settings mostly.
Also I used to dual boot, but since about a year I moved to 100% Linux and have only had the occasional issue. Mint with Nvidia send l seems to work pretty well these days.
Not loving guns and murder? Unamerican communist!
Talking about a lady's body parts or for that matter anything remotely related to sexuality? Jesus Christ won't someone please save our children from this fate worse than death!?
I don't understand, if tariffs are so great, why not make it 100%? 500%?
Coincidentally none of these will contain reference to Trump or anyone allied with him.
I'm sure the Palestinians will be horrified to know they're being shot by ai driven drones as opposed to some kid with a joystick.
One of my all time favorites. This looks like a real remaster rather than SS1's remake. Either way looking forward to revisiting the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker.
My bet would be Musk himself. The only way he can get them off the lot at the moment.
I'm so shocked I can't even tell you how much. Elon Musk? Grifting money from the government? I just don't believe it.
And for a 14 year old to marry her uncle. Hyuk
He's already said he'll replace air traffic controllers with SpaceX people, so yeah.. Pretty damn obvious what the end goal is here.
No, someone else is doing something worse than me so I'm absolved. I can do what I want.