True, most Americans who proudly think they somehow inherited "pioneer spirit" couldn't pioneer their way out of a WalMart.
While some content on this page may be offensive, it is intended as satire.
ImGoingToHellForThis is not a hate community. Any content violations should be reported, reviewed and removed.
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We really are.
And every thread about Russia talks about how "we" need to go over there and stop Putin, as if every person typing in the comments section isn't a fat, useless chickenhawk who wouldn't last a day in basic training.
"B-but I win at paintball all the time! Well, some of the time. Well, once. When Billy showed up drunk."
Damn, you didn’t have to hit so close to home man. 😢
People resist fighting which is generally a good thing.
The commentary in Fight Club was spot on for this reason. “The Michigan Plot”, the FBI agent was trying like hell to coax people into plotting something, anything in a group of people who “train” with rifles in the woods. Took a while but he finally got the dumbest guy in the mix, with the help of a second undercover.
There’s resistance to actually doing to another. Luigi is an exception not a rule. And even most gun owners don’t want to against anything but targets.
But sure, keyboard warrior on it.
Social contagion. Mob think. Groups can tip it. And maybe there is another Luigi or three out there, but it’s not middle of the bell curve behavior. We can ride the coattails of our ancestry as a country as much as we like but that is a passive sentiment at best.
Going to hell for this?
People love government approved violence.
Look at the riots that occur when a home team wins a big championship.
Nothing like the occasional witch burning or pogrom to cool the masses down.
And army