There is an even simpler argument that should appeal to politicians.
A healthy workforce is a productive workforce.
Stress is known to reduce the effectiveness of the immune system, causing an increase of infections and sickness, which reduce the productivity of a workforce.
A relaxed worker makes less misstakes and costs less money in time and resources.
A well compensated worker can focus on their work without having to worry about how they will manage to make it this month.
Going on long vacations gives a worker time to rest and experience new things, bringing new ideas into the company, new ideas are good, they serve to inspire and perhaps even be a new way to thinking that improves efficiency.
A worker is a tool, a tool require maintenance and servicing to stay efficient, when a knife gets dull, you sharpen it, when a worker gets sick, they go to a doctor.
If you deviate from these points you will end up with a wasteful workforce that will cost more resources for less productivity.