That's the game the whole way down, happening with engineers and corporations right now, except the scabs are immigrants wanting a better life and willing to take a lower pay than they are worth for the opportunity. So they refuse to raise pay for engineers as our pay slips us into lower class, then they bring in immigrants to replace us at less pay thus showing they won against us needing a reasonable quality of life in order to support their incompetency. This is not capitalism, it's how capitalism is used and why capitalism is useless, but it's not capitalism, capital is nothing without talent, finding people willing to do a job for peanuts and live in poverty for the chance to live where they don't need a nebulizer to breath is some captain planet villain shit. Capitalism may not stop it, which is why capitalism is broken, but this is not capitalism. This is slavery with extra steps. . . .
Yes, I was reeeeeal popular in college. /s