Guy didn’t even see it coming, he looks stoned
Funny: Home of the Haha
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A good nose-taker does not show nail. Though, I can imagine it's harder to convey the joke.
I am online criticizing the execution of a silly joke. What am I even doing with my life? Enjoying it, is what I am 😎
Wait what hand's taking the picture 😏
the middle
well I cannot tell whether middle is better than the other four
Christmas in Rome?
It’s you again dude. I’m standing outside freezing, laughing my ass off. I have two toddlers and a baby right now so this really kicked me up.
Thank you again!
Hey, I'm also doing this while wrangling a toddler and a baby right now.
It’s a lot, isn’t it?
Wait until they start fighting. My older one really isn’t a toddler anymore, she’s 4. My two year old is insanely intelligent and if it wasn’t for her size you’d think she was about 5.
They fight over EVERYTHING.
“Oh, daddy. This is my favorite song.”
“NO IT IS NOT! IT IS MY FAVORITE SONG. Tell her. Tell her the Beatles are my Beatles!”
“Baby, the Beatles belong to everyone. You can’t have them all to yourself.”
“She’s not getting my Mick Jagger though. He’s my favorite! She just said she likes this song because I said it!”
“I did not. I’m older I liked it first. I’m bigger than you!”
It is constant.
Amazing. This is my future...
I’m sorry haha. Maybe you’ll be better at discipline than me. I fail miserably at being hard when I should be. It just isn’t in me.