Now I want to make an undying mercinaries version, every time your piece is taken, it waits in a queue to be respawned when spaces open up in your closest row. King and Queen cannot respawn.
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How about a dodgeball version: every time you take an opponent's piece you can bring one back.
My first thought is that the game would become one sided very quickly, but it'd be interesting to try.
Also what if the starting position for that piece is already occupied?
Explosion! Guess you'd better keep the starting spaces clear if you can! Ooh, what it your opponent gets to choose which of your pieces comes back, to compensate them for you greeting the advantage?
If they get to choose, it's probably going a pawn every time which kind of makes the option null.
Explosive would be interesting as it could force you to choose a less than optimal piece to prevent explosion.
It spawns in its home place, so the opponent may choose a better piece if you have something else in that spot!
you just saved me a lot of time :)
I adore the fascinating complications shogi brings to the game. Dropping pieces is a fantastic way to regain lost tempo!
I give it a week before someone makes a playable version
Seems like the strategy should be to open up a diagonal with the original queen and just launch as many queens as quickly as possible into the field
Na work your king backwards is the best strat
There's no space behind him to start, so I'd think that it would take a minimum 2 moves per row to get back, while an attacker wouldn't be so limited at plowing forward. How far back could you get the king before the front collapses and the opposing queens come breaching through?
The opponent needs time too.
But I think it's asymmetrical to favor the attacker, because the king can only move one square at a time and space needs to be cleared behind it, while the attacking queens just need a clear line of sight.
Attacking the f pawn, the king side bishop, only requires 3 moves: move a pawn out of the way, move a queen into the field, take the pawn. On defense, you can't move the king backwards until the fourth move, and you'd be blocking yourself in so that moving the king backwards again will take at least another 3 moves. If you're moving backwards 2 rows in 7 moves, the attacking opponent can already check you a few times so that you might be forced to move forward or waste moves not productively moving backwards.
I need a playable board of this to really explore these ideas though.
I totally agree, which is why to make the game more interesting I propose to add a new rule: the king can't move behind his starting row.
No the best move is always for the queen's to look at the number of their space and then to double that number and move to the corresponding position. This way you can fill the board with another infinite queens.
I have to admit after about 5 attempts of trying to move pieces I realized it was just an image.
The infinite armada is made entirely of queens. Both kings decided their entire army should be eye candy and made themselves a harem.
Sultan chess
That hidden text may be the greatest of all time.