I saw it with the fam. It was cute, didn’t think it was as good as the first one, but the kids had a great time!
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I saw almost zero marketing for this film. I jumped online to check showtimes for other movies, and my wife and I were both shocked to see that it had been out for days!
I don’t know if Disney just did some REALLY targeted advertising, or what, but it felt like Disney was hiding this one.
To me, that just shows effective ad-blocking. The only ads I see now are billboards or buses on the way to work. I like not knowing about things like this because ads are excluded from my life.
Agreed! I said wow this is out? When I saw this post.
You can quote me on this prediction. By next year Disney would've announced mass layoffs and closing in house animation at least partially. Then a new era of outsourced sequels and slop will start.