As a teenager who smoked way too much pot back then, I still remember putting this album on for the first time in my car with 3 others in a friend's driveway and hotboxing it. This was the end of the night, so we were already fried. This album was such a trip and one of the first that I can remember listening to where left right audio channels were used to mess with where sound was coming from. We were all freaking out, and it was amazing. This was around the year 2000, so long after it's release but it was new to us.
I loved that time period growing up and learning everything and discovering all about the greatest music that was before my time, as well as what was going on during my time. I still listen to everything new and old. It's just very hard to keep up now. I can't imagine growing up today and having so much music to cover just to hear all the greats.