I'm super productive. In the hours before something is due.
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we call that stress where i’m coming from 😊
The best definition I have found was by Bill Watterson in Calvin and Hobbes: “last-minute panic” mood/inspiration.
Edit to add comic: https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/comments/7wqt08/last_minute_panic/
I apologize for the Reddit link. Couldn’t find a better option.
Believe it or not, this was accidental... yet I already built the perfect life in my head utilizing my latest obsession, enrolled in a job and didn't show up to it in the end
That's what hyper focus is for
Instructions unclear, chugged 400MG of caffeine in energy drinks and took a nap.
"So you're no longer tired?"
"I'm still tired, but faster!"
aren’t those naps the best though? you’re ACTIVELY napping. you’re power napping on a whole other level
Man that must go even harder than snorting Ritalin
no, but i'd swap for the ability to remember to call/visit friends and not zone out during a conversation i'd like to listen to.
eh, i guess tommorow might be less productive.
They were just lucky to find coping strategies and also picked battles where their condition was a benefit and not a hindrance.
I'm doing my part! 🫡
Same! I haven’t done fuck all today, except for drink coffee and think of all the great things I could be doing. It’s awesome. Try it sometime.
I’m slowly coming back to this. I think I’m building a tolerance to my meds :(