Because media is a business.
Hey, welcome to BrainWorms.
This is a place where I post interesting things that I find and cant categorize into one of the main subs I follow. Enjoy a front seat as i descend into madness
But they report endlessly on his meaningless drivel.
"Yeah, my God-Emperor lied and fucked me over bad. But y'know what? Them godless, Commie libruls is gonna be hurtin' too, and I'm fine with that."
That is actually not even a joke. I remember this from a few years ago and it has been so stuck on my mind ever since.
Yep. I'm basically paraphrasing family.
My aunt is pretty psyched because she's convinced that Trump is gonna take away Medicare and SS from the younger generations. "But I'll be ok because he won't take it from the boomers." That's an actual quote. She's also deeply religious, if you couldn't guess.
Your aunt sounds like a bitch.
You figured her out. Lookup "Flaming Fucking Cunt" and you'll find Linda.
Lmao get ready for the media to do a while lotta yawning
One of many,MANY disappointments to come
Media is owned by owners of companies who are allergic to paying wages beyond bare minimum to not qualify as slavery per se.
No need for a pika face here's regime whores are just that;)
Around 4 million people affected.
Being salaried sucks when they require long hours and pay is low. You can get a promotion and your pay per hour will plummet.
"(Biden's) rule, proposed last year, would raise the existing income threshold for many workers to qualify for extra pay for hours beyond the 40-hour week under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Right now, that threshold is only around $35,000 per year. The rule would raise it to around $58,000."