This actually look neat. And I like that the fake 5.25 floppy drives house an optical drive and front access ports.
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This actually looks mint i have one of their other horizontal htpc cases gd01 maybe? It's practically the same size as this
Unirocally am nostalgic for those styles now lol
Gimme that SGI Indie.
You know how electric cars sometimes play engine noises through the speakers. This needs to make hard drive noises, clicking sounds and fans going nuts randomly.
Kinda wish it had a turbo button, even if it does nothing.
Or even better a Turbo button that did something; maybe automatically put all fans to 100%.
But yeah, a Turbo button (working or not) would be a great fit for this concept.
I recently watched a video about a new PC designed to run Windows 98 with DOS for paying old games. It has a built-in SoundBlaster card, (highly) variable CPU clock speed, and lots of modern things like USB PS2 emulation.
It also has a small speaker to simulate hard dive clicks when accessing the micro SD card.
Found the video:
I kinda want that lol. That looks fucking awesome
Do they have a product page for this? I don't see it on their site.