Harris is unusually vocal about her love of Venn diagrams?
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HUH. Fantastic lol. Honestly makes a lot of sense, I'm curious to come back and give that article a proper read!
Yes, even more so than Trump, and that alone is enough to vote for her.
Source: Myself. I made it up.
On a more serious note, while I can't recall her ever mentioning or describing a venn diagram, I can easily imagine her doing so. Trump on the other hand, I'm not entirely convinced he knows what one is.
Someone actually linked an article about how she apparently really likes their ability to visualize accomplishing multiple disparate outcomes or attending to multiple interlinked issues with a given policy, which kinda makes sense and I'm intrigued to go give it a read when I get the chance
I love how this diagram not only expresses his voting choice, but also that he's old.
35 is "old"?
Just old in a joking way. When I started reading xkcd he was in his mid 20s and he still was in my mind until I saw this one. :D
Randall’s 40, but that’s still not old.
I was just going off of "eligible to be president" minimum. But yeah, I wouldn't say 40 is old either. Getting up there though, hah.
I disagree with his diagram, and think he'd be fine as a president. I mean, he definitely can't be worse than trumpler.
TFG in the top-left
not according to the 14th amendment