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[–] OriginalUsername7 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

To be fair, I think that’s to check if their reflexes include unknowingly using magic to protect themselves. That should only work if they’ve perceived the danger, like putting out your hands to stop a fall.

Shooting someone would (if they’re being properly ambushed) usually result in them being shot before they realise it, so it wouldn’t matter if they’re magic.

But if they do realise they’re being shot at, then why defence magic at all? Just use your innate magical reflexes to avoid death!? Why the need to learn how to block spells?

So either guns would work, or they wouldn’t and it’s not explained at all.

Also Hermione slaps Malloy at one point. If his innate defensive magic reflexes didn’t kick in then, no reason to think they would if he was hit with both barrels from a shotgun to the chest.

[–] OriginalUsername7 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Yes, you’re right, I think I’ve mixed that up with the mention that Sirius had a gun when he ”killed” Pettigrew. There doesn’t seem to be any mention that guns wouldn’t work on wizards, other than maybe Hagrid’s lack of fear of Vernon Dursley’s gun when he got to Harry.

[–] OriginalUsername7 14 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

I think there’s a bit in the first book where Harry says his parents were shot, and Hagrid laughs and says no muggle gun could have killed them.

But like, why not? It’s never explained. I’m sure if they survived being shot, magic medicine would sort them out pretty quickly. But there’s no reassign to think a gun couldn’t kill them. Wizards struggle to react fast enough to block spell s most of the time, and bullets seem to move faster than that.

I think the hardest part would be successfully ambushing Voldy, but no reason to think a gun wouldn’t fuck him up if you can hit him.

[–] OriginalUsername7 6 points 2 months ago

It’s still 12.5%. I don’t think it was ever as low as 7 or 8. I don’t think it’s gone up to 15% yet either, but it was being talked about for sure.

[–] OriginalUsername7 17 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Marah Sichelle Gellar?

[–] OriginalUsername7 14 points 2 months ago

Funnily enough, Shawn is the anglicisation of the Irish name Seán, so spelled for the reasons outlined in the OP.

[–] OriginalUsername7 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Randall’s 40, but that’s still not old.

[–] OriginalUsername7 3 points 4 months ago

What about all the bowling cattle you had to castrate for those balls?

[–] OriginalUsername7 8 points 4 months ago

I put on a bit of weight a few years back and got up to 99kg. I joked with my partner that if I ate 1kg of cheese, I’d be 1% cheese.

So like, I’m not saying it’s right, but I understand where they’re coming from with the “more, more, more” mentality.

[–] OriginalUsername7 4 points 4 months ago

People who are good with tech VASTLY overestimate the general public’s tech literacy.


[–] OriginalUsername7 7 points 4 months ago (1 children)

The entire thing is the author wanking himself silly over his knowledge of pop culture references from his childhood. Some of it reads like it was written by a 14 year old who isn’t all that into books.

The bit about the gaming suit that wanks the user off but also means you’re exercising so you get fit from wearing it was honestly one of the cringiest things I’ve ever read. If I thought the author was capable of the level of self reflection required, I’d have thought writing that part of the book was him acknowledging that the book is literally a work of literary masturbation.

It should have received the same response as The Room; a bad book only made into a cult classic by the people laughing at it.

[–] OriginalUsername7 65 points 5 months ago (12 children)

Does that mean there could be species which humans want to fuck, but which would not consider humans intelligent enough to give proper consent?

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