Coming soon to Craiglist :
"FS: LEO class human spaceflight capsule. Low number of orbits. No lowballs. I know what I've got"
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Coming soon to Craiglist :
"FS: LEO class human spaceflight capsule. Low number of orbits. No lowballs. I know what I've got"
To whom?
Best I can do is $20
50% off I'd expect.
That's bad news.
Not if they sell to a company that still knows how to support engineering. It's certainly not a good project for a company that prioritizes shareholder profit.
If they sell their space program they can really focus on their core business - finding inventive new ways of bypassing regulations and cutting corners in order to kill airline passengers.
Private equity should not be buying American businesses but here we are.
I mean, no, but that's literally capitalism.