this post was submitted on 23 Oct 2024
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[–] LEDZeppelin 21 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

My money is on all those 20 people being ultra MAGA Cuban immigrants

[–] spankmonkey 12 points 3 hours ago

Or they got licenses and were automatically registered due to a paperwork error.

[–] gAlienLifeform 24 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

Those 20 people were removed from the state’s voter rolls – which total 8.2 million – and have been referred to local law enforcement, he said

[Ital. added]

So none of this has been proven in a court of law, we're just going off of what Raffensberger said and treating it like fact

Because of the criminal investigation, the secretary of state’s office said it could not dislose when those nine people voted.

That is just nonsense, you've already got paper records and the elections in question are already passed, how could anyone involved destroy any evidence or corrupt any investigation at this point? He just wants to leave blank space for the anti-democracy voices to imagine the worst into.

[–] spankmonkey 15 points 3 hours ago

20 out of 8.2 million is such a tiny fraction of a percent that it shows the system works and noncitizen voting is not an actual issue.

Voter suppression impacts way more than 20 people!

[–] [email protected] 23 points 3 hours ago

they love reporting names when it suits them and their agenda; so i'm guessing these were all registered republicans.