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one should not chase the electric dream
This community is for sharing original content related to computers, content, surrealism and wizardry.
Now that you're a surrealist, become a Techno-Mage:
Is C# just C with glasses on?
Yes, but the glasses are proprietary.
Spot-on, love your art btw, such an unique style and also the tech nerd stuff is amazing.
bless you <3
These cartoons baffle me but I love the design and apocalyptic look of them. They're unique and seem to be a lemmy thing. I hope they keep going
wait..she's not smoking Perls ! Nothing beats the clean burn of Perls in the morning.
"Fuck you" is a great slogan
C mood is my only mood.
Reminds me of this song
I'll let it slide, but come on... s p o t i f y? in this corner of subversive internet content?
But yes, I was listening to that album when I was drawing this 😈
Wu Tang is for the children.