According to some user-submitted screenshot on Calmira's website, you can use PatchDrv to replace the bitmaps of the titlebar buttons.
In case you're genuine and wondering why your comment also got down voted to hell, I assume it might be because many people read your comment and immediately assumed you're yet another alt of that other user.
Whoever's behind those accounts tends to use the latest account to "defend" the previous one after getting banned.
In the case of that specific user, I'd recommend just blocking/filtering and moving on. Not worth it.
Whoever's behind that account has been creating accounts with a new name and different set of neo pronouns whenever the latest account gets banned.
(sorry, not well versed in this. Please forgive me if I say something stupid or wrong)
Basically it's just an electric tram that goes up and down all day. It has similar looks and purpose to a funicular, but it works like a regular tram with a very limited route.
Is this an ad?
Mostly, and even some Windows users don't want to install software that has such a great amount of permission over the entire system just for a game's anti-cheat.
It's nice that users can now know beforehand if a game uses such software. Avoids refunds.
Thanks for reminding me. Now I gotta go watch it again.
"Fuck you" is a great slogan
That would be pretty sweet. The meta/super key logo suggests it might run Windows Vista or 7, so drivers aside it might do okay with a light distro. Unfortunately from the photo the build quality doesn't seem to be the best tho. Very toy-ish.