this post was submitted on 01 Oct 2024
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Welcome to Lemmy's place for all things Jewish, from memes to serious discussion. To keep things appropriate, there are a few rules to keep in mind:

1. A Place for all things Jewish.This is a community to post and discuss things that are particular to the Jewish people Unrelated posts and comments will be removed. This tent is big enough for all Jews of all denominations and practices; please refrain from judging or belittling anyone's personal practice or status.

2. Stay on Topic.There are many other communities to post and discuss news and politics related to the State of Israel and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. This community is focused on Jewish religion, culture, community, and peoplehood. There may sometimes be an intersection, such as an article in a Jewish publication about how Jewish communities respond to events in Israel, but this is not a place to discuss Israeli News or Politics.

2a. No Meta-Posts about Lemmy. There are also other communities to discuss Lemmy itself. This is not a place to discuss or air grievances with other users, communities, or mods.

3. No bigotry of any kind will be tolerated.In addition to violating the server rules, statements made which disparage or dehumanize any group of people are not in line with Jewish values.

4. No antisemitism of any kind will be tolerated.The IHRA definition of antisemitism is the most widely used and accepted in the world, and by the most significant Jewish organizations. If you are unclear about the definition, please see the link. This also includes promoting antisemitic tropes, dogwhistles, jokes, or conspiracy theories.

5. No Proselytizing.This is not a place to share or encourage non-Jewish beliefs.

6. Be Civil.Please be respectful and keep discussions civil and clean.

founded 2 years ago
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by gedaliyah to c/jewish

First of all, this is not an ad - I don't work for this organization, I'm just sharing their request here. I know people who have volunteered with this organization in the past and they do exceptional work. Lemmy is full of great people who care about others, and this is just one way that you might not have known that you could help out. You don't have to be Jewish to volunteer.

NECHAMA is gearing up to respond to Hurricane Helene, planning a long-term deployment in western North Carolina. As this is an active disaster site with ongoing search and rescue, we may not be on the ground for several weeks. Meanwhile, we're working closely with disaster aid partners and have identified a pressing need for virtual volunteers to help log vital disaster data in Crisis Cleanup. Your time will directly support victims and keep aid efforts running smoothly. Can’t volunteer? You can still make a difference with a donation.

Register as a volunteer:

Donate to NECHAMA:

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