This is a pretty bizarre game. Played it on PC.
You pretty much have to be a fan of the more sophomoric aspects of Justin Roiland style humor. Even though he doesn't do every voice, it is dripping with a constant (and I do mean constant) stream of "saying poop and cum and fuck a lot is really funny" humor.
The gameplay itself is...ok. The level design is actually pretty interesting, and there is even some cool variety in weapon designs and functions. This brings some interesting and varied ways to approach fights. But in my opinion the weapons lacked weight and everything just feels kind of floaty to control. It isn't outright bad by any means but it doesn't feel super solid. The foundational ideas are there, though. There is good there, it just needed a bit more time to polish the actual feel of playing.
With all that said, if you enjoy shooters and can manage to let yourself be entertained rather than annoyed by the humor, I think there's enough here to make it worth a play.