She's 17 so i think this qualifies as like, 10% of her life so far as champ?
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Pretty much.
I kind of wish stardom would create a mexican, an american, and a british promotion in the same vein. And their weekly TV show would feature 8 matches per week. 5 of them in their native countries promotion (So Stardom USA would get 5 matches featuring Stardom USA wrestlers). The other 3 matches would be 1 a piece per the other 3 locations. So 1 English, 1 Mexican, and 1 Japanese match per week.
And every week YOUR promotion would have 1 of the 5 local region matches be the SPOTLIGHT MATCH OF THE WEEK! And what that means is, that match would be shown in the other 3 regions as part of their 3 foreign matches every week.
And each region could have their top belt. So like Stardom American champion. But all 4 of those top belts would be one step below the Stardom World title (or whatever their top belt now is called). And that champion travels region to region for short bursts, but traditionally stays in her own territory.
And then........I turn on a stardom show, and see that they're broadcasting out of a middle school gym. Oh. I honestly thought stardom was bigger in Japan. Maybe I'm just romanticising it in my own mind to think it was arena shows.
My friend, my brother, my fellow Buckeye, you seem to have an extremely narrow view of what pro wrestling is/should be. From the packed stadiums of Wrestlemania, Wrestle Kingdom and All In, to the crowded little bars of Tokyo, Chicago and even Louisville, wrestling events in addition to wrestlers themselves are in all shapes and sizes. Some of the most fun shows I've ever been to happened in literal middle school gyms.
But my point is that you look at what I described, and realize what it would take to pull that off. First off, you need a fanbase sizable enough to do something like that. You also need the cash flow, and distribution to produce essentially 4 weekly TV shows all at the same time. Obviously it couldn't be live, but it is still 4 different venues in 4 different countries, with international travel for at least a portion of the roster on a weekly basis.
And I don't think that's possible once you realize how low budget and limited their logistics are.
True but size is also a feature here.
A small roster managed up close and dedicated to delivering consistently is much better than like, AEW in 2023.
It's the difference between an industrial bakery and a hole in the wall handmade patisserie, you get a much better product but you can't easily scale it up.
Your first 3 paragraphs are "I kind of wish Stardom would do everything possible to not be Stardom anymore".
I mean, no. Fuck no lol.