
joined 2 years ago
[–] MolochAlter 5 points 5 days ago


[–] MolochAlter 30 points 1 week ago (1 children)
  1. programming doesn't mean you have a high IQ, I should know, I'm a pro and I've worked with some absolute dullards
  2. high IQ doesn't mean you're not a dumbass, I should know, i have 123 iq and am a dumbass.
  3. free online tests are always bullshit, the only reputable ones are paid
  4. how old are you that you're worrying about this and who put this moronic worry into you?
[–] MolochAlter 2 points 1 week ago

That's very neat then, you'd probably get sued anyway cause companies don't care, but it does make me want to make a game like that and see what happens.

[–] MolochAlter 1 points 1 week ago

My dude, the world isn't only about you.

It's not about you and your inferiority complex, either.

You're much closer to ending up on the street than you are from any billionaire that exists.

I'm also much closer to the center of the earth than the sun, I'm still quite far from either, and I'm not very worried about being near either anytime soon.

Short of world war 3 or some other world-shaking catastrophe that won't be my problem alone, I'm pretty sure my biggest worries are my health and not getting hit by a car, rather than sudden bankruptcy, and I don't live in the US so the former can't lead to the latter.

Now off to the block list you go, people like you don't deserve anyone's attention.

You're not a plane, you don't need to announce your departure.

[–] MolochAlter 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

That seems to be wrong at least according to the ESA.

The software itself is copyrighted, the invention is patented, either way the Nemesis system seems to be protected in europe.

[–] MolochAlter 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Implying I care LMAO

I'm more than economically comfortable, by no means a billionaire but I'm not hurting like, at all. I own my own home, I am set to inherit like 2 more houses, I make good money at a stable job, I have time for my hobbies and a family I love.

I want for nothing that I can't have, with some patience.

Gaben having a Yacht collection makes no difference to me, Steam existing and Valve doing what they do does, so I am happy to see them thrive.

Not everyone is an envious crab in a bucket who feels the constant need to compare themselves to others and ensure nobody is more well off than they are.

What a sad life you must lead that you get this angry over something that doesn't affect you in the least, or did Gabe outbid you on your dream yacht?

[–] MolochAlter 0 points 1 week ago (4 children)

You realize that the cut they’re taking ends up being used to pay for a yacht collection, right?

God forbid a man spend his money however he wants. Get that commie bullshit out of here.

Money changes hands consensually and Gaben/Valve have more than earned mine. Treating your customers like they are your priority in running a service will do that.

There’s nothing great about Valve at this point

Except their massive contributions to the Open Source/Linux ecosystems with Vulkan and Proton, SteamVR being the only properly supported agnostic VR library, and them basically being the one thing between us and Microsoft becoming a walled garden when it comes to gaming, and more recently the Steam Deck?

If you gotta be a hater, at least be correct.

[–] MolochAlter 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Anyone who would complain about game design has already stopped buying or caring about Ubisoft products years ago.

[–] MolochAlter 1 points 2 weeks ago

You should have capitalized one of the two so they would be case-sensitively different but parse the same, another thing to get used to on linux.

[–] MolochAlter 2 points 2 weeks ago

you'll get to see the difference between a bad and discriminatory democracy and a pure dictatorship soon enough.

The former elected to enfranchise the aforementioned blacks, the latter is deporting people on a hunch, for instance.

[–] MolochAlter 1 points 3 weeks ago

Man, the hidden upside of Europe being largely deforested: not enough wood to build houses with.

Only the inner frames are wood here and still covered in plaster wall and such. Most parts of my house are not flammable, let alone a fire hazard.

[–] MolochAlter 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Depends on where you live, I literally never met a person whose house burned down, but our houses are not mostly wood.



Haru Kazashiro!


The annual Princess Cup event of TJPW started yesterday with a good (if predictable) first round.

Is anyone else following it? What are your predictions?


Can't imagine this was the plan 3 months ago when she won her first title and immediately had to drop it.

Let me be the first to say: FUUUUUUUU-

Repurposing an Animus Heart (self.homeautomation)

Way back at the beginning of my figuring out home automation, I bought a Animus Heart.

It's ok but it's extremely limited and the UI is terribly sluggish and unwieldy, so I'd like to replace the OS with Home Assistant instead.

I have reason (my router recognising it as a such when it crashed) to believe that on the inside it's just a Raspberry Pi with some added bells and whistles.

Has anyone tried this? Is this feasible?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by MolochAlter to c/[email protected]

The 10th annual Tokyo Princess Cup tournament is over, momentous occasion for a lot of reasons, and a genuinely great performance in the final. Share your thoughts here.

Do you watch TJPW? Why or why not?

Who did you hope was going to win? Who did you expect was going to?

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