As far as I'm aware yes, the only pinging Shattered's open source build does is checking for news and updates (this just an HTTPS GET request btw, no data aside from the request metadata is sent) and if you disable those that's it.
Pixel Dungeon
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Thank you.
And the statistics?
Shattered has a full privacy policy that you can read through, but a few points:
- the policy only covers the data I collect, google firebase itself may collect additional data and you should refer to Google's privacy policies for that.
- Naturally Google/Apple already track you via various device services. I have no reason to believe Google collects any info via Shattered's use of firebase over what they already collect anyway.
- you can opt-out In the settings, and this should turn off Shattered's use of firebase completely.
It's been forever since I messed with this sort of thing, but could you use something like Wireshark to see what programs are sending network traffic? I see that you've already gotten a reply about pixel dungeon specifically, but if this is an ongoing concern for you it might be useful to know how to check yourself for an arbitrary program. Iirc you can just run it and it will show all packets being sent/received by your machine and which programs are sending them. I haven't used Wireshark in over a decade, but a quick google seems to show it still exists, and if it's like I remember then it shouldn't be hard to learn how to use it.
Thank you. I will look into it at some point. I just usually assume that if a program really wants to spy on me, it will be programmed to turn off the spying if it detects that something like wireshark is on. But I guess that would not apply to our case here.
Consider a network tap. Should by design be invisible to the program being examined.
Yoo I was looking for something similar! Not for SPD, but in general. Thanks for suggesting it!