Seems like the general rule of thumb in DS games is that the NPCs are better off if you never interact with them.
Let's start up the meme factory again, FromSluts!
For trashposting and memes about Souls games developed by FromSoft.
Be civil and don't make me write rules here.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't in many of the cases
Yeah, but at least they get closure and even a triumphant or worthy death in a lot of them. Otherwise you just show up to somewhere and there's a mutilated corpse of the quest line NPC on the ground.
For some reason I can't keep Sigward of Catarina alive in my recent runs
Like outside fights? Where does he die?
The first time he was killed by the big saw wielding guys in the Undead Settlement chasing me to the elevator. Then in another run it was the demon, and just recently on my most recent he died in the boss fight with Yorm. I know that's the end of the questline anyways, but it still feels bad that I can't keep him around for the life of me lol.