With a 20 year head start she might be able to actually do it, maybe by becoming president or head of the cdc or something?
The ability for a time traveler to prevent 9/11 with one day's notice is... definitely going to be more difficult.
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With a 20 year head start she might be able to actually do it, maybe by becoming president or head of the cdc or something?
The ability for a time traveler to prevent 9/11 with one day's notice is... definitely going to be more difficult.
Fun fact, we did have a 20 year start on COVID. This was bird flu, SARS, MERS, swine flu... Scientists have been saying this was coming forever
This was basically as prepared as we could get. There were protocols in place for everything
You can save lives, though not all
Wouldnt pulling a fire alarm at one of the airports cause enough of a delay for one of the planes?
Unexpected Twelve Monkeys