One step closer to pregnant men, then the smoothbrained bigots will REALLY be digging for reasons. (I don't mean the obvious, but like in Junior, the movie)
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Pregnant men aren't the point here. They exist and have an emoji 🫃 already but frankly, FtM people are unlikely to want to get pregnant anyway, it's undoubtedly feminine and will likely require steps back in hormonal therapy to reduce risk.
The real LGBT winners here would be MtF transgenders who could finally do another thing previously only available to people born with female reproductive organs.
I like inclusivity IRL and I'm happy with Unicode's support for ancient/artificial languages but frankly, the variations per emoji are pushing my comfort zone. Gendered language is thankfully on its way out, why all the separate emoji then? Most don't warrant gendered versions imo because there is not much difference between them anyway. I'd prefer silhouette or yellow presentations in line with faces like 😀 and pictograms like 🫂🗣️ (plus lots of non-emoji ones). Yes, there should be a male and female face and body, skirt dancer and a tuxedo one, same with wedding attire and perhaps breastfeeding/bottle feeding, but just a gender and skin tone neutral variation for actions 🙌💁💇🚶🧑🦽🤳🧏🤷🧑💻🕵️🦸 is enough. In reality, there isn't a gendered 👶 baby, 🤠 cowboy or ⛷️ skier, either, so consistency would actually improve. With all the variations, too much effort is being put into tiny, text-accompanying pictures that are supposed to represent a simple idea.
Edit: added bold sentence
I was saying it should happen to troll the bigots, not as some idea that the future requires gender.
The last paragraph is just my own rambling about Unicode. It was me who brought emoji into this.
Men can already get pregnant.
I specifically cited Junior as an example of what I meant, don't be a "well aktually" dumbass.
The enormous risk for a man to be given those organs really outweighs the benefits. The surgery to implant them, the anti rejection drugs, then the need to deliver the baby by cesarean so another surgery. Other than to say you are the mother and father at the same time why would anyone go through with that?
To anger the bigots.
/s I don't know. I don't even know why cis people decide to have kids. Besides the whole birth thing, they're a shitload of work in a world becoming increasingly hostile to child rearing.
What reasons are you talking about? I don't really see a surgically transplanted uterus as being an argument for anything.
Not to be, that lemming, but I mentioned this to my wife, and she was like... that's old. Article's from 2018. Still a great share, thanks!
And it's a really poorly written article.
This is my favorite part:
At seven months, the girl, now nearly a year old, was healthy and developing normally,
Yeah, except she managed to grow to be nearly a year old in only seven months!
The doctors said they came up with the idea when playing Rimworld
Harvest everything coming in clutch!