Yeah then why did I want to bang Oscar Isaac so badly? Checkmate
Shitty Movie Details
Share your favorite movie (and other motion picture media) details, potentially with a shitty twist.
To be clear, this is a place for satirical and meta^2^ references. Not really the actual movie details, unless they're truly stupid or have strong meme potential/background. "Oh hai Mark" kind of stuff. Tho sometimes even these can span a good debate.
For maximum funni, include full name of the movie, its release date and all the detail right in the title of the post.
Try to avoid actual shit and other nasty stuff. Mark nsfw when appropriate.
For shitty videogame details, there's [email protected]
Regular rules of apply. Have fun.
"Fake it until you make it" doesn't work for males in bed the way it does in code.
It's all fun and games until the stack overflows.
How do you guys deal with your stack overflowing when it's not supposed to?
Static analysis, code optimization, heap usage, stack size increases
Too late, but thanks. I'll try it next time (if there is a next time).
You had less than seven minutes to solve your problem?
to start with, you bring out the yellow rubber duck.....
I don’t know, but make sure you use Address Sanitizer when it does.
Not as useful for bare metal code
I never had the patience to really learn coding well. Ladies...