The free pattern is here if anyone else would like to start and abandon another project!
And this might break the rules, but here’s one I did manage to finish!
This is the graveyard of unfinished proje
the holy land of unwholely leet
This is a place for your vibrant work of progre...
Glory to the unshared,
to the dreams turned embarras...
To the moldy napkin thot,
that plant you forgot;
this is a place for spins, (when it shouldn't),
When the glass half full is a leak
any kind of un can be proje
If #todo you finish,
erors u fix,
proje you complet
#todo write rules about not being an ass 4 code of conduct
(moderation policy light and invisible, you see something - flag it, this is your community first - a mod is just the lazy janit...
The free pattern is here if anyone else would like to start and abandon another project!
And this might break the rules, but here’s one I did manage to finish!
You're awesome! Thanks so much for posting.
No problem! I’ve got to do a big clear out soon so expect dozens of photos of incomplete projects across a variety of crafts soon. Lucky you(!)