Wander the gallery. Look at the art. Be polite. If you feel able please post some great art :)
I love this piece. I hope in the doldrums of angst and effort you find something that gives you purpose. This is wonderful of my favorite groups and I love to see posts here. Thanks!
Thanks for your job. I hope you will be able to keep going if it's with pleasure. Take care of yourself!
I will miss such beautiful art.
Thanks :)
I've never seen this before. It's beautiful.
Thanks for posting!
Hey @crafty, thank you for letting us know what's going on. I'm sure we can keep the community going while you focus on you.
Thank you, I appreciate the posts.
Only one of them is on the bridge.
This is a great composition. I love the colors.
Hey - just discovered this community. It's awesome, wish I'd been here sooner! Thanks for your excellent shares. And don't burn yourself out posting every day๐
Cheers, gonna keep going.
Amazing. Want this on my wall
This one really speaks to the Dionysus in me