Best episode of the season, but also a very atypical episode. Was that a dream sequence? I expected Dennis to slap him/punch him in the face,
It's always sunny in philadelphia
A fan sub for its always sunny in philadelphia.
It was a self-induced epic daydream to lower his BP 10 points. Something Dennis can do and the rest of us can only awe at.
Probably my least favorite of my season. Can't believe it's over already!
I was finding that episode a bit tedious. Felt like it was just a bunch of boomer memes strung together. And then the last five minutes were just glorious, and raised it to a work of art.
I thought this episode was brilliant for its social commentary. It was so unusual for an IASIP episode in its style. Glenn's acting was great
I love all of the cast but Glenn really does nail the acting like no other in his portrayal of Dennis throughout the series.
I especially enjoyed the pressure cooker side plot, which was more “the gang” in tone than much of the material this season.
That ending felt like a reference to something. Was it just The Wizard of Oz again?
The episode ending is probably a nod to the film The Usual Suspects
I really enjoyed this episode because I listened to the episode of the podcast where Glen talks about his Tesla getting stuck in a parking garage because he didn't have cell signal. It was funny to have them recreate the exact situation he had described. If I hadn't listened to the pod I don't think it would have been as enjoyable.
To be fair, his key fob broke, and he couldn’t use his phone as a secondary key. Could have happened to any car.
I think this is one of the few episodes where Dennis' rage is justified and he still holds back.