I don't know the value of the capacitor, but the iFixit page has an image of the board with silkscreening that may help with the search.
The component is labeled as C176 or C178(unsure of the last character as its under that rail.)
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I don't know the value of the capacitor, but the iFixit page has an image of the board with silkscreening that may help with the search.
The component is labeled as C176 or C178(unsure of the last character as its under that rail.)
Luckily all the c17x are 0603 22uf, 20% caps. Thanks for pointing me to the image so I could compare it to the schematics. Now I have to go through and look for others. No idea how this could have even happened.
Looks like a decoupling cap. So the value isn’t going to be super critical. If you put in a cap in the same ballpark as the others it should be fine.
Edit: there’s another missing cap above the cap that sits above the one you bodged. A small one. If you count from the large untinned pad on the right next to the edge of the board, left of the 4th tinned pad you will find it.
Good eye, I need to go over the entire board again and look for those. Combined with the other answer that help me with a revision that actually is labeled, you are right. It should be a 22uf 6.3 0603 decoupling cap.
Not going to be a special value on a BOM. If the footprint is the same as the ones you replaced, it will likely be the same. No bypass cap that already likely has a 5-20% tolerance is likely to have its own pick and place reel slot. If some other value was needed, it would be one of the other footprints and a cap that matches somewhere else on the board.
Yeah that makes sense, Microsoft is definitely going to keep costs down and not switch out those reels. Based on the other info, these are 22uf 20%, so in spec with the others I've measured.