Community to post anything from twitter and similar soical media sites.
- Try to be as civil as you can be; No Spamming/Trolling; ban for x days if problems arise
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Watch out, OP will ban you and nuke your comments so they can hand out a BS ban reason.
Dean Browning, is that you?
I would double check your labels and your political views, especially when the person posting is closer to a communist.
Thanks for bringing up that humous event!
I remember seeing that a while ago. Hahaha, I know Snopes is not that reliable of a source with controversial political figures (similar to Wikipedia), but this story is well known on social media.
Twitter users believed the tweet was meant to go out via an alternate, fake account to bolster support for Republican causes.^[[1] Did Republican Dean Browning Tweet 'I'm a Black Gay Guy'? | Jordan Liles | Nov. 10, 2020 |]
I actually agree with all the political views of this tweet. I just don't agree that the response to that should be a protest-vote in the general election, esp when the alternative has the same positions for these issues.
We might not have the influence we want with Kamala, but its none with trump and p2025.