this post was submitted on 24 Jul 2024
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Community to post anything from twitter and similar soical media sites.
- Try to be as civil as you can be; No Spamming/Trolling; ban for x days if problems arise
- Images/screenshots/videos only, no non-direct links (only in body of post), posts should include direct connection to tweet being shared
- Follow the global rules.
- Include in title, NSFW or NSFL posts must be labeled, ex. [NSFW], [NSFL] Not Safe For Work. Not Safe For Life.
founded 9 months ago
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Baseless accusations and implying I’m a troll are both personal attacks that add nothing to this discussion so I’ll ignore them.
Looking at the modlog I see you nuke the comments so no one can see what the comment is that you are removing.
Why are you doing that if it is in good faith?
Make sure to read community rules when posting or interacting. I also went through something similar when I just started. That is why I am really lenient with bans, which are only for x days.
You can remove the comment before you ban the person, leaving the comment up on the mod logs for others to see.
The comments made by the other people were not spamming, they were disagreeing with you.
It sounds like you are still trying to imply that it was my burner account that you banned and that’s not true.
Do moderators do this with spammers/trolls? I do not think so, and I have not seen moderators do that.
They were disagreeing with me, and that is okay. Just take a look at all the other posts; you will see some people do the same; they are not banned.
Copying and pasting the same message across multiple communities is spamming, even if I agree or disagree with them, so that will be banned in any community that bans spamming or comments that share the same characteristics.
You can look in the modlog and see many examples of moderators of actual communities doing this to remain transparent.