My wife spotted that Diamante was wearing a bandage over her right ear during the lumberjack match.
I really hope that doesn't mean what I think it means.
Just looked it up, she has a legit ear injury. Phew.
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My wife spotted that Diamante was wearing a bandage over her right ear during the lumberjack match.
I really hope that doesn't mean what I think it means.
Just looked it up, she has a legit ear injury. Phew.
Thank fuck.
Frankly, a lesbian Latina in an interracial relationship with a black woman is the last person I'd expect to be in the republican camp.
True, but stranger things have happened. Peter Thiel and Caitlin Jenner exist, after all.
Originally had Nick Fuentes in there, but i found out he's not actually gay.
Peter Thiel and Caitlin Jenner
Crucially, rich enough not to have to care.
Nick Fuentes
He claims not to be gay, he also claims to be celibate on purpose, and not to be a holocaust denier, the man lies as he breathes, I wouldn't believe him on his word if he told me the sky was blue frankly π€£
Probably from that hardcore match she had against Leyla Hirsch on ROH this week, it was just taped the day prior on Wednesday so everything's still fresh.
Youtube TV cut off the overrun! Fucking hell
Fucking YouTube.
Hologram is 100% flippy shit and I love it
Same. It may be a new gimmick, but it's a 14y vet under the mask.
Interestingly it says this gimmick was created by Tony Khan himself (and the first one he's made lol) so if the gimmick goes nowhere we can blame TK directly and not Aramis!
What about Darby triggers theses guy homicidal instincts?
They see he's half dead and want to finish the job?
Beg me for cake often enough I'm gonna bake you a cake and hand you a slice.
Say you like having your body thrown into a blender enough times, someone'll build a 10 foot tall blender!
Schiavone showing his true colors by admitting he didn't even consider Mariahs feelings on Wednesday
Idk if Skye injured her wrist or leg or both :(
I think she may have hit her head :(
On replay no she didn't thank goodness
Yeah head seems fine, but leg may be a thing :(
Edit: lmao Shida just pimping on out before the ref even officially ends the match.
Deuces, bitches! Lol
Taven and Bennett just came out for a friendly reminder to mind Roddys neck
Tony Neese: You're all fat!
The Crowd: Cheers
That pop up Samoan drop by Mortos! So smooth!
I'm glad the whole name change thing didn't hurt him, he's so damn good.
Fucking AAA
I don't know about that intro but I'm guessing the license ran out for Saturday Saturday Saturday ran out
Oh no! Then Dax can't use it in his promos anymore...
Careful now! Cash is still strapped!
Daddy Ass said no fun!
Instructions unclear: Having ass fun, wife not pleased.
If you can't laugh at farts how do you even enjoy life?
I'm 30 and I feel great he says while sitting on the floor lol
I'm 40 and I had one of my knees bent the last 3h I was asleep this morning so now I'm a cripple who can barely walk! π
These 9 bowls are making things feel better at least..
I checked with my 72 year old father and it doesn't get any better apparently
At least I finally convinced him that CBD wasn't going to turn him into a dirty hippie!
Wait, new Collision music? Or am I late to the party and don't pay attention more than I think I don't?
Edit: Also, liking the look of the set.
And gold is home in the arms of a loving father.
Huh, the Von Erichs being mentored by Dustin. Guess they'll be sticking around for a while then.
Roddy having to be #NeckStrong against Ishii, The Man With No Neckβ’
Ankle injury, no word yet on seriousness, being checked out.