Am I supposed to take uncited Newsmax "reporting" on democrats seriously?
Or any Newsmax "reporting"? You people can't tell reporting from commentating.
Am I supposed to take uncited Newsmax "reporting" on democrats seriously?
Or any Newsmax "reporting"? You people can't tell reporting from commentating.
It did get it half right.
That's in line with the rumors I've been hearing with an added bonus of Biden's speech is already being written. Something along the lines of "can't be a full time President and part time candidate".
It is intriguing that we are both encountering the same political rumors.
Let us examine whether they move closer to the truth or simply perpetuate another rumor according to Media Insiders.
Yes, I was thinking nebulous sources could just be muddying the waters (or poisoning the well, as some would call it).