This is the fakest looking text I’ve ever seen lmao
Bone Apple Tea
A community for funny phonetic misspellings of words or phrases. Bonus points if this misspelling comprises actual words, like this community’s namesake: Bon appétit —> Bone apple tea
No reposts!
No but there is an allahu snackbar.
Assalami alaikum, brother/sister. Pork is haramburger though
That's all right, I'll just have the halalfalfa salad with inshallots and 72 virgin olive oil vinaigrette. I hear it's to die for.
Can't say I've ever heard anyone use "cement head" as an insult before!
Is it pronounced like semen?
Shitty superhero name: Semen Ted
Downside would be the child support
I love it, but I feel like very few will'get' that it's really cement head...
Possibly still worth it though
Friendly reminder not to ever insult someone willing to ask questions to learn and grow!
Came here to say this. Especially issues of spelling or pronunciation. It's fine to correct, politely, but making fun of them for these things is effectively punishing them for the people around them not explaining it to them earlier.
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now. Same goes for learning anything.
Smoking that dark allah pack