The beans have some sunscald on the leaves due to the change in temperature. It's cosmetic and will not cause any harm.
FYI your tomatoes are also showing the heat stress with physiological leaf roll. It's also cosmetic.
Your Ultimate Gardening Guide.
The beans have some sunscald on the leaves due to the change in temperature. It's cosmetic and will not cause any harm.
FYI your tomatoes are also showing the heat stress with physiological leaf roll. It's also cosmetic.
Uhh, many thanks for the diagnostics. Happy to hear about the positive news. Also, it is getting colder and wetter again here :)
Happy tomatoes. Ours are doing very well, but we're going to be out of town for 8 days. I guarantee we come back to plants that are growing all over the place, instead of in their nice supportive growing structure. Oh well.
Not sure what's going on with your beans, sorry :(