this post was submitted on 19 Jun 2024
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A place to share interesting articles from Wikipedia.



founded 1 year ago

Hi fellow wikipedia lovers,

I am getting feedback on people wanting less rules on titles. I intentionally made it not a hard rule, but I think there's something beautiful in just using the wikipedia title by default. Wikipedia is a site immune to clickbait with strict policies on titles, and so aesthetically, I prefer to put the description in the post body, not the title. It also makes it much easier to moderate :D But please tell me your thoughts on this topic and we can re-calibrate the rule, if people would prefer. This community doesn't belong to me; I just made it because I wanted it to exist. Also, on that topic, since our community is well over 1000 monthly active users, would be great to bring on 1-2 moderators, because I don't have any intention to be BDFL of this community and I honestly have enough going on as it is. Please comment or DM me if you are interested. I will select applicants based on prior engagement here.

Cheers, Your humble local mod who is definitely not using this community as a trojan horse for clam facts but here's an article about wampum because I feel like it

top 9 comments
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[–] Brunbrun6766 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)


Wikipedia Title (Editorial BS)

Other communities id urge to use

Article Title [Source (Editorial BS)

[–] Hawke 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Gotta close that bracket tho

[–] Brunbrun6766 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Yes but when I did it turned it into a weird hyperlink

[–] Hawke 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Oh yeah, that’s a thing. Probably need to sprinkle some backslashes or something in there.

[–] dantheclamman 1 points 1 week ago

This is a good idea!

[–] DocMcStuffin 6 points 1 week ago

I think allowing brief editorialization after the title strikes the right balance. Sometimes there is something particular the poster wants to highlight that the article title doesn't capture.

[–] Jilanico 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Off topic but I wish the body would automatically include a preview of the first few paragraphs of the Wikipedia entry.

[–] dantheclamman 4 points 1 week ago

If anyone knows how to code this together while allowing users to still set their own body text if they wish, hit me up!

[–] Paragone 1 points 1 week ago

Wikipedia-titles often don't give enough context for one to understand if it's worth clicking-into.

I've got enough web-parasites trying to machiavellianly pry into my finite-mental-strength, .. so it's more likely for me to just ignore any post in this community which I can't understand whether it's worth digging-into,

& therefore am much more prone to not engaging, thanks to the "laconic" non-informativeness of the posts.

Others may have the same reaction..

Take a look at & see how their titles pull people into their articles, & see the difference with this community's posts..

Also, thank you for making this community: there are a few very interesting ones I've found only because of here.

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